Data collection

A variety of personal information may be collected through this website, including your name, email and other contact details, demographic and geographic information. In some cases such information must be submitted in order for you to access certain sections of this website or to perform specific tasks through the services available on this website. Nevertheless in all cases you voluntarily and knowingly submit this personal information.

Some other information is collected automatically as soon as you arrive at and browse this website. Such automatically collected information includes your IP address and related geographic information, your web browser type and version, and the device and operating system that you are using to access this website. This website will also record a list of web pages (URLs) that you have visited, starting with a referring site followed by your activity on this website, and finally the web page that you exit from. This information is used solely for measuring the general activities of all visitors to this website. We do not use this data to track the activities of individual visitors. Cookies and similar data may also be created and recorded in order to provide specific services and deliver useful functionality through this website. By using this website you agree that such automatic data can be gathered.

Data storage

The publishers of this website will make all efforts to keep your personal data secure and will never willingly sell your personal data to a third party except without your prior approval.

Unless required by law, the publishers of this website will never disclose your personal information to third parties.

Data usage

Any data collected may also be used by the publishers of this website for the following reasons:

Internal record keeping
Improvement of our products and services
Improvement of this website
Market research purposes
Other internal uses

Third party websites and services

The publishers of this website may from time to time employ the services of other parties for dealing with matters that may include search engine facilities, advertising and marketing, and design and development of this website.

The providers of these services may be given access to some of the data collected through this website, including your personal data, for the purposes of carrying out their services.

Change of business ownership and control

In the event that ownership or control of all or part of this website is transferred to another body, then data collected through this website may also be transferred to that other body. Such data will be transferred to the new owner under the condition that such data is only used for purposes set out in this privacy statement.

Controlling your data

You have the right to ask for a copy of your personal data on payment of a small fee.

You can withhold information in two ways: by not supplying personal information at all through this website, and by restricting your internet browser’s use of cookies.

Changes to this policy

The publishers of this website reserve the right to change this privacy policy as we may deem necessary from time to time or as may be required by law. Any changes will be immediately posted on the website and you are deemed to have accepted the terms of this policy on your first use of this website following the alterations.