To enquire about having the following steps towards GDPR compliance completed on your website, please complete the form below.

  • A website cookie review to understand all cookies in use
  • Creating a cookie consent notice with details of each cookie type and options for visitors to accept all or manage there cookie settings for your site
  • Create a new tailored Cookie Policy that is GDPR compliant
  • Create a new Privacy Policy Document that is GDPR compliant
  • Create a page with tools for visitors to access the data your website holds about them, download it or delete it
  • Ensure all forms on your site that ask for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) ask for suitable consent and record this correctly
  • Updating Google Analytics configuration, to can enable compliant tracking before having to ask for consent.
  • By ticking this box you consent to Stafferton Consulting processing the data submitted on this form as per our Privacy Policy